I am the mother of a freshman! I can hardly believe it! It seemed that just yesterday, my darling little girl was playing with her Barbie dolls...they were naked, but their hair was ALWAYS done to perfection (read on...this comment will explain itself).
Emmeline is staying with Aunt Heather and Uncle Brent until a house is ready which should be within the month. With Nick heading off to Arizona for work, moving by myself should be grand, but I am trying to get it together so we can be back in the same house. I miss her terribly and she has no idea what a great help she is to me. Em frequently steps up to the plate and helps with Ethan. She is an amazing young woman and within her I see so much potential. Certainly she has had her moments of teenage angst, but who doesn't at 14?
She called to tell me about her schedule. For those of you who are lucky enough to know Em, it will be no surprise that her elective is Intro to Cosmetology. Those Barbie Dolls had no idea that they were just the first steps in the deep, deep love that Em has developed for hair and make-up. I have never heard her so excited about a class EVER! You have no idea what it is like for me to hear that excitement. This comes from a mother who asks everyday, "What did you do in school today?" only to have the response be, "Nothing" EVERYDAY.
So, watch out KHS. You will never be the same...you have been given a gift...the gift of my daughter, the precious gift of her laughter, the precious gift of her unbelievable personality.
I love you, Em! May high school bring you new friends, new experiences and a lifetime of wonderful memories!