Thursday, March 20, 2008

Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

Ethan has had his first trip to the zoo. He loved it and the weather was beautiful that day. It is days like this that remind me how easy going he really can be. Amid the crying children, screaming toddlers and haggard parents, Ethan was a ray of sunshine! He smiled the entire day taking in the sights and sounds. He really liked the elephants and got to hang like the monkeys from the branches!

Nene Cindy and Nana Pam went with and Aunt Adrienne, too. Ethan just adores them and it soothes my soul to know that he is SO loved by everyone around him.

It has been years since I have taken Emmeline to the zoo. I need to remember that she is still young and that she, too, enjoys outings like this. Emmeline and Ethan always have such a good time together. It is wonderful to see the beautiful bond that they are developing with one another....a lifetime of sibling love...check back with me in a couple of years when he is destroying her room:)

1 comment:

tripntwinmom said...

We are headed to the zoo tomorrow! It IS so nice to see the older siblings loving on the young-uns...I too am so pleased to see it when it happens in my house. It just gives you that toasty warm "mom" feeling...