Saturday, May 31, 2008

Cleanliness is next to Godliness

Is that how the phrase goes? Well, if that's the case...we are in trouble! The great outdoors is hardly great for me. I don't really enjoy being outdoors. Let me clear the's okay, but my preference is to be curled up on a couch reading a book or something. Ok...I know...calling all nerds!

As life would have it, I have 2 children who love to be outside. Although Em loves to be outside, there is usually water involved. She's not really a camping, hands in the dirt kind of kid. Easy-peasy up until this point...a girl who loves to shop, loves make-up and hair stuff.

However, Ethan is ALL boy! If there dirt, he will find it. Don't leave your shoes around, he will chew them up like he's the new puppy...gross! Anything he can find, he puts in his mouth.
Thank goodness for his Nene Pam and Nana Cindy. At their house, he is allowed to be full-on boy. Dirt is no problem and he is allowed to basically roll around in the mud if he likes or empty a box of cereal in the middle of the living room....

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Why is this world so filled with hate? Why are so many out there wanting to cause harm to others? I have so many questions, so many unanswered questions.

My heart is broken and I have cried so much. I don't know how to be strong yet don't want my loved ones to see my weakness so I my car, at my desk, driving down the road.

My rage is overwhelming, but my fear is strangely all consuming. Unfortunately, we will succumb to the fear and run. How do I explain running? Are we not taught to face our never let anyone intimidate us? How do I teach this lesson now when running is what seems to be the best thing to do?

I pray for healing, for the ability to let go of the rage and for a better tomorrow. A lotus flower grows in mud. The thicker and deeper the mud, the more beautiful the lotus flower will be....she will be a beautiful lotus again one day.

Monday, May 5, 2008

A shot of B12

is just what I needed today. I am back at work...and really like my new job. It is 10 minutes from the house and with gas prices going the way of college tuition prices, that is fine with me. I have a really calm environment and great coworkers so going to work is cake....for now...check back with me in a couple of months when the quarter comes to an end.

What a crazy weekend it was....Nick has pink eye which lead us to the ER on Sunday morning. Pink eye for the ER, you ask?? Yes, one of the worst cases I have ever seen. His eye started bleeding...this is the point where he FINALLY found it serious enough to get medical attention. I, on the other hand, seek medical advice when suffering from a papercut...they can really hurt. He is feeling better, but if I catch pink eye...hell hath no fury, blah blah blah. Now Heather has called and Brent has pink both eyes....eeewwww.

So, Nick and I sat down last night and discussed our house hunt...which has been fruitless up to this point. We are trying to decide if Kingwood is really the best choice for us as my new job is pretty promising. He threw out some suggestions like Pearland and Clear Lake. I don't know if either of those are for me....I just cannot picture myself living in Pearland (no offense, but I have never spent a day in Pearland so I don't know much about it). I love where we are now...the community, the location and everything is so convenient. I guess only time will tell where we are meant to raise our family. We will have to keep the faith that everything pans out in terms of buying a house and finding our fit!

The neighborhood pool opened this weekend and Emmeline was one of its first customers this year. The pool opened Saturday at 9am and she was there promptly at 10:55am. We didn't see her for the rest of the day...other than the occassional snack to refuel, she was a pool bum all day. Ethan tried to figure out her comings and goings but to no avail. He misses her so much when she's at school or out doing her thing. He just giggles and screams when she returns...they are too cute to watch!

Hopefully this week will be calm. I am trying to get to my Jazzercise class 3 times this week. I was told to keep a notebook of what I am eating...afraid to do that and see what I really put into my mouth all day long. I have tried to be good. In the evening when my sweet tooth kicks in, I reach for vanilla yogurt and Kashi cereal. My 35th birthday is quickly approaching and I have to shed some pounds. Tryin to be a hottie by the end of the year is really hard work! It's even harder when you want to shove a handful of Dove chocolates down your throat all the time.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

It used to be that...

people thought before they spoke. I have had 2 cases lately where people have done this and I was shocked at what came out of their mouths...and that is putting it mildly.