Is that how the phrase goes? Well, if that's the case...we are in trouble! The great outdoors is hardly great for me. I don't really enjoy being outdoors. Let me clear the's okay, but my preference is to be curled up on a couch reading a book or something. Ok...I know...calling all nerds!
As life would have it, I have 2 children who love to be outside. Although Em loves to be outside, there is usually water involved. She's not really a camping, hands in the dirt kind of kid. Easy-peasy up until this point...a girl who loves to shop, loves make-up and hair stuff.
However, Ethan is ALL boy! If there dirt, he will find it. Don't leave your shoes around, he will chew them up like he's the new puppy...gross! Anything he can find, he puts in his mouth.

Thank goodness for his Nene Pam and Nana Cindy. At their house, he is allowed to be full-on boy. Dirt is no problem and he is allowed to basically roll around in the mud if he likes or empty a box of cereal in the middle of the living room....

As life would have it, I have 2 children who love to be outside. Although Em loves to be outside, there is usually water involved. She's not really a camping, hands in the dirt kind of kid. Easy-peasy up until this point...a girl who loves to shop, loves make-up and hair stuff.
However, Ethan is ALL boy! If there dirt, he will find it. Don't leave your shoes around, he will chew them up like he's the new puppy...gross! Anything he can find, he puts in his mouth.

Typical boy!
Precious little guy. It is so nice to see him being a boy as they do love their dirt!!!
love the mud pics! ha!
Nice!! And yes, I do get sprayed and so will you!
I've been thinking of you, obviously Heather keeps me up to date. Hope things are looking sunnier in your world...
he's cute and all, and I miss him, but I'm ready for an update. get on with it.
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