Christmas week started with a huge surprise. My SIL Susan and her significant other, Matt got engaged. We were fortunate enough to be onhand as Matt popped the question in front of his family and ours. Matt is a very nice guy and I couldn't be happier for them. The future is very bright for them and I hope that their life together brings them a lifetime of happiness!
Tuesday evening we went to dinner at the Daigle's. Nick's friend Alan and his wife Becca were in town for the holidays and getting to see them was a nice treat for us both. Alan's parents hosted a small dinner party at their home for his friends. Since Alan and Becca live in North Carolina (Alan is based there; he serves in the Marines) it was great to see them during this busy time!
Christmas eve brought us to Nana and Nene's house. We enjoyed a nice dinner together...big thanks to my mother-in-law for cooking all day. We opened gifts early and spent the evening just catching up.
Christmas Day started with us opening gifts with Em and Ethan at the house. Our children are very fortunate. They have family that loves them very much and they truly want for nothing. Ethan got his Elmo Live...a huge hit and he looked fabulous in his Batman pjs with cape and all. Emmeline got the boots and purse that she wanted and a ton of gift cards (the most direct route to a teenage girl's heart, BTW).

Later, we headed to my mom's for lunch and opened gifts from her. As the years pass, I have come to realize how important my mother is in my life and that of my children. She is always there to listen to my gripes..sometimes she listens, sometimes she gives me her two cents which I wholeheartedly listen to, but don't always follow. She has been there for me when my world was shattered by betrayal and she has been there when I regained my footing and stood atop the world. She is one of my most treasured gifts.
The afternoon brought us to M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. Nick's grandfather, G-Pa, is there participating in a clinical trial for Acute Myelogenous Leukemia. He has been there about 3 weeks and was unable to come home for the we all went to him. We painted signs that spelled out "Merry Christmas G-Pa" and "We love you" and stood on the street below his 10th story hospital room. Later we were able to go to his room to visit and since you have to completely gown up head to toe, shoe covers, gloves, hair covers, they only allow a couple of people in his room at at time. G-pa looks like he is getting better and he says he feels good, but I cannot imagine his loneliness in that room. We are praying that all goes well and we look forward to celebrating Christmas with him in the next few weeks when he comes home!!
I want to take time to wish everyone that has been a part of our lives in 2008 a prosperous and happy New Year. May 2009 be filled with good health and many great memories! Love to you all!! XOXOXO
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