Monday, July 21, 2008

I guess I need to make a little time for find what life has in store, to realize my dreams, what my priorities are for my family, myself. Don't get me wrong...I am happy! My children are healthy and Nick is a good man that has given so much to my life.

After Ethan's birth I suffered from blood clots...clots that took quite a toll on me. I spent a week in the hospital right after Ethan was born. I have been on blood thinners for over a year now and I am tired of taking them. Last week, at my doctor's appointment, I was told that I needed to get back on them...kind of stopped taking them myself about a month ago. He was not thrilled with me, to put it lightly. I did some blood work a few weeks ago and I guess something has gotten his attention.

He has referred me to an oncologist at Methodist Cancer Center. He specializes in hematology...blood issues. At the time that I made my appointment, which is on Friday, I had no idea that Dr. Conlon was an oncologist. What a shock to learn that I would be visiting a cancer doc?!?!?

I can't stop looking at the clock...Friday is a light year away, it seems. I know that I will be fine...I am a fighter no matter what the situation. I have never backed down from an argument and I am stubborn. I will conquer any mountain that lies in front of me. I just have to get through Tuesday...and Wednesday...and Thursday.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Two Peas In A Pod

Gee...I wonder where he gets his attitude from?????