Friday, January 11, 2008

I am so happy for....

my friend Michelle. Life has had it's ups and downs...for both of us. We have seen each other through marriage and divorce, through years of disappointment and heartbreak. We, more than often, are asked if we are sisters. For those of you who don't know, Michelle comes from a Polish background and mine...chinese. Go figure, eh? Once we were asked if we were twins....hello???

We have laughed until it hurt and we have had fights that have almost destroyed our relationship, but all in all I believe that my friendship with her is one of endurance that I will carry long into my life.

She now has a fabulous man in her life, Jeff. He is warm and caring and adores her. They are getting married January 25th. Plans for children are in the horizon and life is progressing nicely. I have prayed for this for many years. You see what your friends go through and hope that God can one day bring someone into their life that will complete them. Jeff is so nice and we have ALL been so lucky to meet him. He truly completes Michelle and the look in her eyes when she speaks of Jeff is overwhelming for me. She is happy...what more could you want for your friends?
Congratulations Michelle and Jeff! May life be filled with much happiness and many happy memories. I love you both!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just a short note....thanks for that sweet note. I am talking to Michelle right now, and can't do that and email too. Thanks!!!