Thursday, May 22, 2008

Why is this world so filled with hate? Why are so many out there wanting to cause harm to others? I have so many questions, so many unanswered questions.

My heart is broken and I have cried so much. I don't know how to be strong yet don't want my loved ones to see my weakness so I my car, at my desk, driving down the road.

My rage is overwhelming, but my fear is strangely all consuming. Unfortunately, we will succumb to the fear and run. How do I explain running? Are we not taught to face our never let anyone intimidate us? How do I teach this lesson now when running is what seems to be the best thing to do?

I pray for healing, for the ability to let go of the rage and for a better tomorrow. A lotus flower grows in mud. The thicker and deeper the mud, the more beautiful the lotus flower will be....she will be a beautiful lotus again one day.


tripntwinmom said...

Well, running is so very tempting when all you feel that you can do is run to protect. It has happened to you and now her. UGH. So UNFAIR! I am ALWAYS here when you need me. Just pick up the phone. Thinking of BOTH of you right now...

Heather said...

it sucks. there's a difference between running and doing what's healthy and right for the good of the family. learning from it all is the best we can all do....

Anonymous said...

Running does not solve the problem it will not leave a scar which will marred for life. Face it courageously and you will conquer the mountains that comes along your life path.