Monday, January 21, 2008

My mother....

has been there for me through thick and thin. We have had our fights and disagreements and we have laughed (unbelievably). A handful of years ago she was diagnosed with uterine cancer and then breast cancer. She is a survivor!! She has never fully recovered, but she is cancer free!!

Because my brood has decided to relocate our happy little selves to Kingwood (house hunting sucks, by the way), and because my gracious sister-in-law has decided to care for my children (we'll see if I'm still on that Christmas list next year), my mom has decided to go home..... for a whole year!

Singapore is HOME for her....her siblings, her roots. Besides college, I have never lived more than 10 minutes from my mom (Yeah, I know...grow up already), but our lives have taken us down a path where all we have had is each other sometimes. What will I do? It took me 2 months to come to the realization that Sugar Land was only 45 minutes from Kingwood. Singapore is 26 hours by plane (if you count the layovers)!!!

She has always let me spread my wings and learn from my mistakes. She has mothered the best way she knows how and I commend her for that!!

As I type this I cry....for the fear I feel of being without her, for the loneliness I anticipate will come and for the joy I feel as my mom spreads her wings. Have a great time, Mom! We love you!!


tripntwinmom said...

You know that I am one of the few people who CAN completely UNDERSTAND and RELATE to what you are feeling. (((HUGS))) to you as I know what you must be feeling. PLEASE call whenever you feel you need an understanding shoulder. I am here!

Brandy said...

no, i can definitely understand. my mom lives a mile away and mil is a mile away in the other direction. but what a great way for her to live a life that she doesn't have to look back on and say "oh, i wish i had done that." good for her and hugs for you. she'll be back before you know it!

Heather said...

the year will fly... and if you're ever sitting at home missing your mom, I'd be happy to drop my kids by for some distraction =)

We're here for you- ((hugs))

love you!